Certificate update for managed databases (AWS RDS)



You are concerned by this post if you are using a managed database in Qovery.

We are going to update the certificate used by the AWS RDS instances before its expiration.


Following the certificate update, your database clients would have to reconnect to the database.

What we expect from you

You have to redeploy your managed databases after the certificate update operation (from May 21st):


This operation will be performed the may 20th 2024 at 8am (UTC).

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Hi. This operation has not been carried out yet, has it? I have tried to redeploy the databases but it doesn’t seem to have any effect and in AWS Console I keep getting the warning that the certificate is not up to date.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @dolarsrg,

The certificate update has been well released last monday (On 20 May)
Do you have a maintenance window planned in AWS console?
If yes, the changes will be applied during this one.

Here is an example:

If not, can you give us the link of your managed database in Qovery please?


Hi Julien, Thanks for the information! That was the problem. The changes will be applied on May 28 in the maintenance window.

Thanks again and best regards!


@Julien_Dan Thanks for providing this updated information :pray:

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