Certificate SSL expired on website hoste on qovery aws container
Hello, I would like to have some informations about ssl certificate on AWS. Mine has expired yesterday, but I don’t know how to manage with the new one that I generate on AWS certificate managment and update the old one with EC2 created by Qovery ? There is lot of EC2 with unintelligible name so it’s difficulte to know which hosting the website. Do you have some idea to fixe that ?
You shouldn’t have to manage this by your own, everything is automated. Please share the link of your application from the Qovery console, so I can take a look.
The issue is now resolved: you can access your application using your custom domain https://www.alghome.com
What happened: internally only one certificate is generated for all your custom domains. This certificate cannot be generated if any of those custom domains is misconfigured (e.g no such host).
There were 2 domains in your application settings: