[RELEASED - Upcoming Feature] Managed database instance type change support

We are proud to share Qovery now supports managed database instance type selection / changes.

You can now change your managed database instance type via settings screen in the UI.

API has been updated along with Terraform provider to reflect this change.

We strongly recommend to test such changes on tests / stagging DB first when doable so you can better understand the impact of this change.

:warning: Be aware that changing your managed DB instance type might lead to downtime, more info here for AWS

:warning: Changes might not be reflected directly but applied during the next maintenance window, more info here for AWS
You can apply this change immediately by forcing it via AWS console.

:information_source: Terraform users
You can switch to the latest Qovery Terraform provider. If you have any managed DB, you can now add the instance_type field and remove cpu & memory fields since those ones are not relevant anymore for managed DB.


resource "qovery_database" "my_managed_database" {
  environment_id = qovery_environment.my_environment.id
  name           = "MyManagedDatabase"
  type           = "POSTGRESQL"
  version        = "14"
  mode           = "MANAGED"
  accessibility  = "PRIVATE"
  storage        = 10

  # Ressources
  cpu            = 250
  memory         = 256

  depends_on = [

After instance type introduction for managed DB

resource "qovery_database" "my_managed_database" {
  environment_id = qovery_environment.my_environment.id
  name           = "MyManagedDatabase"
  type           = "POSTGRESQL"
  version        = "14"
  mode           = "MANAGED"
  accessibility  = "PRIVATE"
  storage        = 10

  # Instance type
  instance_type = "db.t3.micro" # <= fill it with your actual DB instance type

  depends_on = [