Qovery Slack integration - What do you need and expect?

Since you are a lot to request a Qovery Slack Integration (cf our public roadmap).

Can you write down below:

  1. Why do you need the Qovery Slack integration?
  2. What do you expect from the Qovery Slack integration?
  3. Do you have some examples of great Slack integration that you are using today?

Delivery timeline

From what you say, I can propose a timeline with different milestones and delivery dates.

The floor is yours :man_dancing:

I guess @stephane @FlorianSuchan @Kmaschta @a_carrano @Florian_Lepont are interested :slight_smile:

Topic is nice to have for us but first version that would bring already value could look like this:

Define notification channels and triggers. Examples: All failures of production-app builds → Channel A (“backend engineers needs to trouble shoot”). Or all completed builds of preview apps → Send link to open app to Channel B (“QA can start working”).

The important part here is being able to filter, if all events were sent to one channel it’s quickly regarded as spam and not used anymore (or even muted).


Hey nice!

For us, we just need a way to send a message on a dedicated slack channel per environment to inform about deployments.

If we take our current usage:

  • Staging environment: send a message on #notifications-dev when the deployment succeed or fails
  • Production environment: send a message on #deployment when the deployment starts, succeed or fails

Today, I’m redirecting emails I’m receiving on my personal email address to the slack channel, which is not ideal.

Here is what we had before migrating to Qovery, a mix of the AWS CodePipeline notification and custom integration:


Thank you guys, super insightful, I am waiting for more feedback from users :slight_smile:

@Kmaschta how did you manage your integration from Email to Slack? Zapier? Custom code?

I just want to receive what I currently receive by email in a Slack channel so that my inbox stay clean and other team members can see what’s happening. :slight_smile:

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I’ve just setup an email redirection from Gmail (filters → redirection) to the email address generated by Slack to send an email to a channel.


Oh, it’s awesome. I didn’t know this trick. I am going to take a look and it could be a workaround until we provide an official first integration to Slack

Thanks all for your feedback. I just want to say… a present is going to come for you this week. Teasing… :point_down:



Hello @ramnes @FlorianSuchan @Kmaschta @stephane @waptik

Slack integration is live!!

In a coming release, it will be possible to filter by project and environment.

@rophilogene nice, thanks for the update, we’ll wait then until this is fully done, the filtering is important for us to not create too much noise for everyone :slight_smile:

Do you expect to be able to filter by Project AND Environment AND Application?

@rophilogene actually by cluster

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@rophilogene Hey, so cool!
I tried the webhook, it works really fine.

I’m backing what @FlorianSuchan says, I’d like to be able to filter webhooks per environment and/or cluster, because today I want to have my staging deployment on one channel and production deployments into another channel, and today it’s not possible to do that with the existing webhooks.

Looking forward to see that API improving!

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filters will be delivered next week @Kmaschta @FlorianSuchan :muscle:t3:

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Hello @Kmaschta @FlorianSuchan , here is Santa Claus speaking :santa:

You can now filter on the environment types and the project name. Refer to this documentation. Hope it helps you better use Slack integration :crossed_fingers:

Note: Release in progress - it will be available within ~30 minutes

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Hi @rophilogene nice, will check tomorrow! :slight_smile:

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Cool, but then can we disable the emails? :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, while I really appreciate that you did implement the webhooks, a proper Slack integration would probably be a bit more user friendly!

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I can see with the team to add this option ASAP and not wait for the V3 GA. (I know emails can be annoying)

Planned as well :+1: