Cannot deploy (issue with a buildpack?)

no @Pierre_Mavro, it did not work. “deployment error: Environment failed to be deployed” for prod and live

We losed again the access. If you change your credentials, without updating them cluster side (Qovery), we are unable to deploy anymore.

@Erebe The problem with the deploy started from yesterday and yes the issue was not taking down any application. But on our case the problem is that today we changed the aws credencials and after this our application went down.

The issue seems to be resolved.

There is still a deployment errors. Are you saying this is due to the credentials?

@Pierre_Mavro our connection seems to be fine: Cluster is “running”. Connection seems to be fine. Can you confirm?

It passed the buildpack step - all good!

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@Anxhina , it’s not correlated. Qovery allows you to deploy/modify/delete clusters and applications. Once everything is deployed, if you updated credentials AWS side only, Qovery can’t perform actions anymore on your AWS account. So if changes happen, it can’t be from/by Qovery.

Having a cluster down, in no way can’t be due to a change of credentials.

@David Yes, the problem you still face is once again due to a change of credentials.

@Pierre_Mavro , can you advise what we need to change in our settings?


You have to go into your clusters settings, and update credentials:

Once finished, you have to trigger an update:

Then it will be fine.

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@Pierre_Mavro , I see. We did not “update” the cluster entry. Now it says updating, but it looks like it is not progressing. How long does it take usually?

@David it should take up to 10 min (sometime less). But it looks like your credentials are still not good (click on “Show logs”):

Forbidden: Forbidden

@Pierre_Mavro we followed the instructions: Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Docs | Qovery

Any advice on how we can grant qovery access to AWS?

Hi @David , can you please open another thread for this :pray:

Sorry to open this again - so now it’s using the heroku/buildpack:22 right?
it refuses to compile my typescript app, saying some weird typescript error (while it has always built successfully in the past, and it builds correctly on my machine, and was building correctly yesterday)

anything we should be aware of? I don’t know what to do :slight_smile: Any clues is welcome

No, we’re using heroku/builder-classic:22 because from their GitHub repo, we wanted to have the best legacy compatibility and some tests we’ve made couldn’t be properly build with CNB features:

  • heroku/builder builder images feature Heroku’s native Cloud Native Buildpacks. These buildpacks are optimized and make use of many CNB features.
  • heroku/builder-classic builder images feature Heroku’s classic platform buildpacks, shimmed for compatibility with the Cloud Native Buildpacks specification. These buildpacks don’t take advantage of many CNB features and are less optimized, but offer a wider variety of languages and legacy language feature support.

If you could test with the classic version and let us know how it goes it could be useful for us.

Thanks Baptiste :slight_smile:

Yes, I wrote too fast
right now, heroku/builder-classic:22 (it is indeed heroku/builder-classic:22) does not compile my typescript app

Happy to test something else? How do I test ?

So you confirm with 22 and classic 22, it doesn’t work?

with classic 22, no it does not

Well, I’m sorry @CBaptiste not being able to help you more on this topic, certainly related to the Typescript pack compatibility with this 22 version. Looks like you’re blocked with dependencies in 20 and 22 versions, whatever choice you make.

Digging more on Heroku forum/GitHub issues may help you. As mentioned @rophilogene, Buildpack is a kind of black box and Qovery doesn’t control updates of this tooling and dependencies. Buildpack is very convenient for testing things quickly and we did our best to provide everything we could.

I strongly advise you to move to a Dockerfile, helping you to keep control of what is made and avoid falling into similar situations in the future.