I got an error building a new cluster using the qovery CLI. I ran the qovery cluster install command against my new EKS cluster and I get this error:
Error: Get "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Qovery/qovery-chart/main/charts/qovery/values-demo-local.yaml": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Hi @ks321 , I’m going to double check on my end.
In case you run this command somewhere else than on your local machine, could you please try on your local machine the following command: qovery demo up?
I want to see if you face the same issue from your local machine.
I’m on the latest Mac OS, it does seem to be a problem with my curl. I did a little digging and it looks like we have some security software on our computers doing man in the middle checks that isn’t functioning correctly. I’ll go chat with our security guys. Thanks for your help!