Unfortunately the command qovery demo up fails with (the output is of the second command execution):
qovery demo up
Checking and installing dependencies
jq already installed
grep already installed
sed already installed
curl already installed
docker already installed
k3d already installed
helm already installed
All dependencies are installed
Fetching Qovery values to setup your cluster
Helm values written into values.yaml
Installing Qovery helm repositories
"qovery" already exists with the same configuration, skipping
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "qovery" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
Creating local-demo-peterkuhmann kube cluster
INFO[0000] Using the k3d-tools node to gather environment information
INFO[0000] Starting new tools node...
INFO[0000] Starting node 'k3d-local-demo-peterkuhmann-tools'
INFO[0001] Starting cluster 'local-demo-peterkuhmann'
INFO[0001] All servers already running.
INFO[0001] All agents already running.
INFO[0001] All helpers already running.
INFO[0001] Started cluster 'local-demo-peterkuhmann'
Installing Qovery helm charts
+ helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n qovery -f values.yaml --wait --atomic qovery qovery/qovery
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: an error occurred while rolling back the release. original upgrade error: pre-upgrade hooks failed: 1 error occurred:
* timed out waiting for the condition
: release qovery failed: context deadline exceeded
ERRO[2024-05-31T12:00:52+02:00] Error executing the command exit status 1
The cluster appears in the web UI, but I service deployment is infinitely pending:
I just tried and it works on my machine (sorry I know - it’s easy to say )
Release "qovery" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: qovery
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri May 31 18:37:56 2024
STATUS: deployed
+ set -x
+ helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n qovery -f values.yaml --wait --atomic qovery qovery/qovery
W0531 18:38:57.173944 69764 warnings.go:70] spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports[1]: duplicate port definition with spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports[0]
W0531 18:38:57.250927 69764 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.secretTemplate.app.kubernetes.io/instance"
W0531 18:38:57.250944 69764 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.secretTemplate.app.kubernetes.io/managed-by"
W0531 18:38:57.250946 69764 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.secretTemplate.app.kubernetes.io/name"
W0531 18:38:57.250948 69764 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.secretTemplate.app.kubernetes.io/version"
W0531 18:38:57.250949 69764 warnings.go:70] unknown field "spec.secretTemplate.helm.sh/chart"
Release "qovery" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: qovery
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri May 31 18:38:50 2024
STATUS: deployed
+ set +x
Configure network
+ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up
+ set +x
Qovery demo cluster is now installed !!!!
The kubeconfig is correctly set, so you can connect to it directly with kubectl or k9s from your local machine
To delete/stop/start your cluster, use k3d cluster xxxx
Go to https://console.qovery.com to create your first environment on this cluster 'local-demo-evoxmusic'
The helm chart installs take some time (2/3 minutes), but it works.
Do you roughly know how long Helm takes until it fails?
@hedgehogs-mind I reduced my RAM and CPU, and indeed, it’s quite slow to install everything. I suspect if there is not enough CPU, then we hit the helm timeout. I’m going to ask the team to augment this just in case.
@hedgehogs-mind if you download the new/latest version of the cli, we have added a flag --debug to the qovery demo up --debug command.
If you can re-run the command and sahre us the debug log file located at /tmp/qovery-demo/qovery-demo.log we should be able to investigate further your issue.