The maximum number of VPCs has been reached


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Hello everyone!

I wanted to create a new cluster with Karpenter on AWS but after updating the permissions I get the following error

Transmitter: preprod - Unknown error while performing Terraform command (terraform apply -lock=false -no-color -auto-approve tf_plan), here is the error:

Error: creating EC2 VPC: operation error EC2: CreateVpc, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: 983a0828-31b5-4e89-a54d-3bfe5b85dd80, api error VpcLimitExceeded: The maximum number of VPCs has been reached.

with aws_vpc.eks,
on line 29, in resource “aws_vpc” “eks”:
29: resource “aws_vpc” “eks” {

I know there’s a limit of 5 VPCs per region but I normally have 4 right now, and I guess I can reuse an existing VPC. How can I do this?


  1. Create a new Cluster
  2. Let the default parameters into Features
  3. Create the cluster

Hi @Geoffrey_S ,

It seems that you reached the 5 VPCs limit. I’d suggest asking AWS to increase the number of VPCs you have via their support. It’s free of charge :slight_smile:

Let me know if it helps

Hi @Geoffrey_S,

it’s possible to reuse an existing VPC.

At Cluster creation, you can click on Deploy on my existing VPC.

You’ll have to configure some information:

I hope this information will be helpful.


@ce_gagnaire @rophilogene Thank you for your help!
I’ll have a look at both solutions !

I followed the following link and was able to have my quota automatically increased in 15min. Change the link with your region

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