Random error on Qovery CLI usage


Randomly I have this error on Qovery CLI installation on my CI :

#                                #
#       QOVERY CLI INSTALL       #
#                                #

[+] Downloading Qovery CLI archive...
[+] Uncompressing qovery binary in /usr/local/bin directory (sudo permissions are required)

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

Hello Florent.

How did you installed CLI in a first place (brew, etc)?
What CLI version are you using right now qovery version ?

If you installed it via Homebrew, would you mind listing this directory /usr/local/Cellar/qovery-cli ?


@bchastanier I install this way like in your doc

curl -s https://get.qovery.com | bash

Was it working before or is it a fresh install?
Looking at install script, there is a sudo for tar, is your CI able to run such privileges?

I just follow the Qovery tutorial I always had this error randomly

@bchastanier I always have this error randomly.

The github action definition is :

      - name: Deploy with Qovery
        shell: bash
          QOVERY_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.api-token }}
        run: |
          # Download and install Qovery CLI
          curl -s https://get.qovery.com | bash <= here

Hi, any news on this ?