Any known issues with CLI 1.1.1 on environment.stop?

Hi there,

environment stop fails suddenly:

  curl -s | bash
  qovery environment stop \
    --organization "***" \
    --project *** \
    --environment *** \
  shell: /usr/bin/bash --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
#                                #
#       QOVERY CLI INSTALL       #
#                                #
[+] Downloading Qovery CLI archive...
[+] Uncompressing qovery binary in /usr/local/bin directory (sudo permissions are required)
Qovery CLI is installed, you can now use 'qovery' command line
Environment is stopping!
time="2024-08-05T17:19:23Z" level=info msg="\x1b[93mSTOP_QUEUED\x1b[0m (0/7 services ⏳ )"
time="2024-08-05T17:19:26Z" level=info msg="\x1b[31mDEPLOYMENT_ERROR\x1b[0m (0/7 services ⏳ )"

Just noticed that CLI v1.1.1 was released an hour ago and 2 hours ago everything was fine. Deployments don’t seem to be affected.

2h later and it works again, nevermind - we didn’t change anything, hickup on your side?

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