Qovery CLI vs UI for Helm deployments using git


I am trying to clone a helm application (That uses git for the host) using the CLI, When i do this manually in the UI, i can update the branch in git that the helm comes from. But i do not see an option for it in the cli

qovery helm update \
Error: unknown flag: --branch
  qovery helm update [flags]

Error: unknown flag: --branch
      --chart_git_commit_branch string             helm chart version
      --chart_name string                          helm chart name
      --chart_version string                       helm chart version
      --environment string                         Environment Name
  -n, --helm string                                helm Name
  -h, --help                                       help for update
      --organization string                        Organization Name
      --project string                             Project Name
      --values_override_git_commit_branch string   helm chart version

Global Flags:
      --verbose   Verbose output

As discussed offline, you should use the parameter --chart_git_commit_branch . right now there’s an issue on this command but we are fixing

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