We have requirements from a client to incorporate monitoring and logging solution for this infra and apps using Granafa, Prometheus and Loki, or using the Qovery platform if it provides relevant data.
They use EKS.
We’ve tried to install the Prometheus stack from the helm chart but not sure how it will work in terms of volumes and ingresses since these will be installed from helm chart, so it will not be visible from Qovery.
What is the recommended way to achieve this on the Qovery platform?
HI @rophilogene,
Thank you for answering.
We have the exact requirement to implement the solution with Loki, Prometheus, Grafana. Still, if we get a negative answer from Qovery, we can propose a different solution since that one is not possible.
OK, good information.
To clarify things, if we decide to use loki for storing logs, we should ask you to install loki on our EKS?
In the post that you sent, there is grafana. Who is responsible for installing grafana itself?
Also, I saw that for metrics only datadog is supported, can we install prometheus stack via Qovery service like helm service, or directly install this helm chart in EKS.
Can we have some automation in this case? For example, if we recreate a cluster or create new one, how to achieve to have Loki, Grafana and/or prometheus (installed via helm) one any future clusters.