Migrate data from one cluster to the other

Issues information


I am triyng to change from an AWS cluster to a Scaleway one. For the moment the AWS cluster is the “default cluster”, and when I try to delete it, it says that I have to delete all the environments.
I’d like to just transfer them to the Scaleway cluster, what do I have to do in order to make this change ?

Thank you,

Dockerfile content (if any)

`FROM node:16-alpine as build
COPY ./client .

RUN npm install && npm run build

FROM nginx:latest
COPY --from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY ./deployment/nginx-custom.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

CMD [“nginx”, “-g”, “daemon off;”]`

Hi, can you take a look at this thread below? You will find a migration process applicable to your use case :slight_smile:

Thanks @rophilogene,
The new cluster I created is now deployed well, but the database does’nt manage to be deployed, I have an error that I can’t see in the logs.
Could you help me with that ?

Sure thing, what is the problem you’re facing? Can you show the deployment logs?

Finally after restarting the database, it started successfully.

Now I’m trying to delete the other environment that works with AWS, but I also have a Delete error when I try to do so. Here is the error log :

Execution ID: 2fa0099f-f6cb-4fb7-b5d6-1c003c5e19bd-89-1653915405
failed to create engine ContainerRegistry("Invalid container registry info: 
ContainerRegistry { kind: Ecr, id: \"z5210453f\", name: \"registry-8d9cc2d0-f35e-48cd-8133-e08c792049eb\", options: Options { login: None, password: None, access_key_id: Some(\"AKIATMDBJLGSHGUS4OD2\"), secret_access_key: Some(\"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\"), spaces_access_id: None, spaces_secret_key: None, scaleway_project_id: None, scaleway_access_key: None, scaleway_secret_key: None, token: None, region: Some(\"eu-west-3\") } }")```

Also, I don’t manage to connect to my database from another tool, to administrate it. Here is what it says :

connection to server at "za267d689-zf318a9e6-gtw.z4472e955.llvm.sh" (64:ff9b::c39a:4776), port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? connection to server at "za267d689-zf318a9e6-gtw.z4472e955.llvm.sh" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?

I am going to ask to an engineer from my team to take a look

Did you change the host and login and password to connect to your new database?

Did you remove manually the credentials from your AWS cluster? Qovery needs to connect to your AWS cluster to remove the environment and make the clean-up.

I tried to remove my AWS account, I don’t know if it removed my credentials but yes it might be the problem. Do you know what can I do to remove it from Qovery now ?

Did you change the host and login and password to connect to your new database?

I put the credentials that are displayed here, but it didn’t work :

You need to give Qovery access to your AWS account, otherwise Qovery can’t remove itself from your account and your environment can’t be deleted properly.

Did you set your database as PUBLICLY accessible to get access from outside? cf > Databases | Docs | Qovery

Hi @rophilogene ,
Yes I set it public, as you see below :

And did you redeploy your database to apply the changes?

Yes, I’ve done a new test just now, but after redeploying it still does’nt manage to connect…

$ telnet z8b42ce3f.xxx.xxx 5432
Connected to z8b42ce3f-postgresql.z4472e955.llvm.sh.
Escape character is '^]'.

I confirm that the connection works fine to your database. Can you show your error message?

Here is the error that I get on PgAdmin when I try to connect with my credentials :

It’s not the right host

I tried with these two external hosts, but the result is the same :

Is it another one that I have to take ?

The host from the database

It’s ok it was the QOVERY_POSTGRESQL_Z8B42CE3F_HOST that works.
Thank you for the help.
Just a last point : About the AWS account, where can I give Qovery access to it ? Is it not already the case ?