Helm Service Successfully Deployed but No Application in Overview Tab


Relevant information to this issue:

  • Link to your application - Qovery


I was testing out the new Helm Service feature and I tried deploying a Kubecost chart. The deployment was successful. I even verified that all the resources were deployed via kubectl. I also confirmed that the kubecost analyzer is working and accessible by doing a kubectl port-forward and accessing the service on my local machine.

My concern is I want to access the service via Qovery console provided link. The problem is the Overview tab of the Kubecost Helm Service is empty

Need your help on this. Thanks!

Hello @aedcparnie !

From your helm chart settings, it seems to miss the global: key leading to service annotation not being present hence Qovery agent not seeing this service as running.

You should have something like that:

Also, it seems you set the token in the YAML directly, but this (values) won’t be encrypted on our end, so we strongly advise you to use secret variables for it.
Add a secret KUBECOST_TOKEN and set kubecostToken : qovery.env.KUBECOST_TOKEN

We are updating our Kubecost installation guide, we will share the link here :slight_smile:

Let me know if it helps.


Hello @bchastanier

Good catch. I’ve followed what you said and added the Kubecost token in a secret variable as well. The deployment is still successful but unfortunately there are still no Applications showing on the Overview Tab of the Kubecost Service

Tried deleting the helm service, re-created it (https://console.qovery.com/organization/becf1ce7-d027-4cbe-a1a6-2ce4e7559238/project/07c6f296-55e4-4387-af3c-651182133626/environment/e8d86ee4-f586-4df6-98f7-d5031b3a128f/application/25386a69-be7d-4ac1-9cb2-f2f27dd94394/settings/networking) and it worked. The remaining problem is that I still can’t access the application via the provided Service Link/URL

Ok ! So just made it works. Issue was around ports, I removed it all and recreated and now everything is working :slight_smile:

Let me know if it’s ok on your side.

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