I have recently changed package.json to account for production environment, changing it to run using forever package.
That in itself doesn’t seem to work well with Qovery (as I suppose the deploy picks it up as not successful?), but that wouldn’t be a problem as I don’t mind running it with just regular node command for Qovery.
But then when I changed it back to have an initial npm start script (not using forever), the deploy doesn’t seem to be able to pick up the latest changes to the package.json file. Any way to force that to happen?
Thanks, Enzo, I will try that. I am assuming that this endpoint is different from pushing a new commit somehow so that it will take up all latest changes where the CI doesn’t account for package.json somehow?
Also, how do I auth with the API, it says JWTs, but I couldn’t find any login endpoints and if I try to use the JWT I get from being authenticated in the control panel it still throws 401.
When you push it triggers a deployment with the last commit pushed but if something failed somehow you stay stuck with a previous one. Another solution would be to push a new commit.
If you have Qovery’s CLI installed, if you use the command qovery auth, it will generate and stored a jwt in .qovery/access_token.