Changes in repo not reflected

Logs show the following message

12 Aug, 23:30:47.078 53 await authService.getInfo(token, type);
12 Aug, 23:30:47.078 54 const { isNew, user } = await userService.checkAndCreate(email, name, type, device_token);
12 Aug, 23:30:47.078 > 55 const token = authService.generateToken(email);

which obviously contains mistakes (since the word ‘token’ is used again)

and I fixed that error like this and pushed the fixed version of code and also tested it on my local.

        await authService.getInfo(access_token, type);
    const { isNew, user } = await userService.checkAndCreate(email, name, type, device_token);
    const token = authService.generateToken(email);

But still the log shows the same message and thus deployment keeps on failing…

Hello! Did you push your new commits to the correct branch?

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I just checked the branch and it is correct

Try to do some other commits, webhooks can be missed sometimes
(either due to them not being trigger by Gitxxx, or us not processing them correctly)

Did commit and restart several time, still got the same error…

Can you provide me your url of your application, so I can check the history of your updates ?

Here is my console url. Thank you


So I took a look and everything seems fine on my side, when I list the commits of this repository on github I get this

The last commit recorded by Qovery is this one

So it matches

and when I try to deploy your application, the image build it effectively this sha1

From the application logs, I get those messages if it helps you

 18 Aug, 09:15:06.790
	yarn run v1.22.5
18 Aug, 09:15:06.975
	$ nodemon -r dotenv/config src/app.js --exec babel-node
18 Aug, 09:15:07.584
	e[33m[nodemon] 2.0.7e[39m
18 Aug, 09:15:07.584
	e[33m[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`e[39m
18 Aug, 09:15:07.585
	e[33m[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*e[39m
18 Aug, 09:15:07.585
	e[33m[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,jsone[39m
18 Aug, 09:15:07.585
	e[32m[nodemon] starting `babel-node -r dotenv/config src/app.js`e[39m
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	throw err;
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	SyntaxError: /app/src/routes/auth.js: Identifier 'token' has already been declared (55:14)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	53 | await authService.getInfo(token, type);
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	54 | const { isNew, user } = await userService.checkAndCreate(email, name, type, device_token);
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	> 55 | const token = authService.generateToken(email);
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	| ^
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	56 | res.status(200)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	57 | .cookie("token", token)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	58 | .cookie("email", email)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser._raise (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/error.js:97:45)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.raiseWithData (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/error.js:92:17)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.raise (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/error.js:41:17)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at ScopeHandler.checkRedeclarationInScope (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/util/scope.js:141:12)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at ScopeHandler.declareName (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/util/scope.js:102:12)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.checkLVal (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/lval.js:435:22)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseVarId (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:1067:10)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseVar (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:1028:12)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseVarStatement (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:722:10)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseStatementContent (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:236:21)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseStatement (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:176:17)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseBlockOrModuleBlockBody (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:896:25)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseBlockBody (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:872:10)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseBlock (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:842:10)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseTryStatement (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:681:23)
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	at Parser.parseStatementContent (/app/node_modules/@babel/parser/src/parser/statement.js:228:21) {
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	loc: Position { line: 55, column: 14 },
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
	pos: 1726,
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
18 Aug, 09:15:23.670
18 Aug, 09:15:23.686
	e[31m[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...e[39m

That seems sooooo strange… As I mentioned above, the syntax error in auth.js has already been fixed in the latest commit, so it is weird that the log keeps showing that error. I finally chose to delete and recreate the app…