Where can you list and deactivate all token created?

Qovery CLI provides a command qovery token to create a token you can later use for Github Actions integration for example. Where can I list all token created in an account and delete/deactivate those?

It’s definitely something that I will ask my team to include in the CLI. Qovery v3 (GA for September 2022) will include API tokens management via the web interface. In the meantime, you can do this to delete all your API tokens attached to your organization :point_down:

export QOVERY_API_TOKEN=<your_api_token>
export ORGANIZATION_ID=<your_org_id>

for id in $(curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token $QOVERY_API_TOKEN' https://api.qovery.com/organization/$ORGANIZATION_ID/apiToken | jq -r .results[].id); \
do curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Token $QOVERY_API_TOKEN' https://api.qovery.com/organization/$ORGANIZATION_ID/apiToken/$id;\

I assume you generated an API token via the Qovery CLI

Token management API documentation is here :point_down:
