this is the code that deploys the qovery application
resource "qovery_application" "docker_application" {
environment_id = var.qovery_environment_id
name = var.app_name
git_repository = {
url = var.git_url
branch = var.branch # Optional
root_path = var.root_path # Optional
build_mode = var.docker_build_mode
dockerfile_path = var.dockerfile_path
state = var.state
auto_preview = var.auto_preview
cpu = var.cpu
memory = var.memory
min_running_instances = var.min_running_instances
max_running_instances = var.max_running_instances
ports = ["5555"]
Then I get the following error
│ Error: Incorrect attribute value type
│ on modules/qovery/app-docker/ line 18, in resource "qovery_application" "docker_application":
│ 18: ports = ["5555"]
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "ports": element 0: object required.
Operation failed: failed running terraform plan (exit 1)