Setting the Datadog source of nginx-ingress-controller to nginx-ingress-controller

We followed this guide to setup Datadog (with some adjustments to only enable logging).

We also enabled logging for nginx-ingress-controller after seeing it referenced here:


The nginx logs do appear in Datadog, which is great - however, they come through with the source set to controller:


We would like them to instead come through with the source matching the integration name: nginx-ingress-controller (the integration name from the Datadog docs) to benefit from the Datadog’s automatic setup for integrations.

How do we set the source of nginx-ingress-controller to nginx-ingress-controller?

Datadog service
API gateway service (with nginx logs)

Thanks for the help!

Would just like to bump this topic please; still an open question for us :slight_smile:

Hello @will ,

Sorry for the late answer but this looks like a Datadog configuration issue.

Can you give me more information on this issue?
Do you have information on what you need to modify to have the correct display name?


Hello @ce_gagnaire,

Thanks for the message!

From what I can follow, Datadog says here: Kubernetes log collection that I should be able to some how set a Pod label like "<SERVICE>"

In our specific case, I believe setting this to nginx-ingress-controller (the name of the Datadog integration) will lead to Datadog auto formatting the nginx logs for us.

If possible, I’m looking for a way to add this pod label in Qovery.

I have a feeling it has something to do with the helm chart config set here and using Labels & Annotations | Docs | Qovery (but there it says “Helm is not supported as you can directly add extra annotations within your helm chart.”) but I’m struggling to put the pieces together.

Any guidance you can offer, would be very much appreciated!