Is it possible to pass parameters to qovery shell?

One of our engineer asked if it is possible to pass parameters to qovery shell command to SSH directly into a certain application/environment/project.

Hi @FlorianSuchan , I guess you are interested by this:

Basically, you can connect to the appropriate app by using qovery shell

Oh wow, very convenient, thanks @rophilogene :slight_smile:

Hello @rophilogene, I followed the steps in the given video but get bad request, I’m assuming this is due to the console being moved to v2 now, any way we can still access this feature and the context to my question is, I want to set up the current qovery context without an interactive cli.
I assume it is possible in reference to Unable to access logs with command line and CLI questions - #4 by rophilogene .

Hi @Sushant_Adhikari , you get it right. Let me check with the team when the CLI will be updated.

Thank you for the response, will be waiting for the update.

Hey @Sushant_Adhikari,

CLI has just been updated. Fix is present into 0.48.5 version.
Feel free to qovery upgrade.


Thank you very much for the update @bchastanier , just a query though, would this also apply for logs (qovery log) or viewing current environment (qovery environment list) or this only work for qovery shell? In reference to this → Unable to access logs with command line and CLI questions - #4 by rophilogene