Qovery production update

Hello Qovery users!

This Friday morning, from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. GMT +2, we’ll update our production cluster to prepare our Kubernetes version upgrade. This might result in some Qovery’s service interruption for a few minutes during the process.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Does this mean only Qovery console will be interrupted or also your client application?

It means all apps (console, CLI, API) will be down for few minutes during the process.

So our application won’t be interrupted ? Sorry, but it’s unclear…

It won’t. The only services impacted are ours. Since all yours run on your own cluster, the won’t move.

The only thing that can happen, while trying to perform an action on your environments or infrastructure, is to get an error back because our service could be unreachable.

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