Where did you create this environment variable? Inside your Dockerfile? Did you declare ARG PROJECT_ID and ARG ENV_A_ID inside your Dockerfile?
If there is no login, then it means that you don’t need a login.
Side note: we discussed yesterday this use case of connecting one app from environment A to environment B, but I want to point to other readers that it is an anti-pattern with Qovery since you risk having network issues since an environment A can be entirely out of the network of environment B.
# redis-cli -u redis://:X109iJxr44up8Yr49GNfU-RDD24hzafY@z1b97ba3e-redis:6379/0
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
and with the separated args
# redis-cli -h z1b97ba3e-redis --pass X109iJxr44up8Yr49GNfU-RDD24hzafY -p 6379
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
with the separated args AND internal domain (zPROJECT-zENV)
# redis-cli -h z1b97ba3e-redis.z427be40b-z8d3c3431 --pass X109iJxr44up8Yr49GNfU-RDD24hzafY -p 6379
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
z1b97ba3e-redis.z427be40b-z8d3c3431:6379> PING