How to retrieve application and infrastructure logs from Loki on my EKS cluster?

Here is what you can do since Qovery stores all your logs for 12 weeks in one of your S3 buckets.

  1. Follow this guide to connect to your EKS cluster with kubectl
  2. Connect to your Grafana instance running on your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl -n prometheus port-forward svc/grafana 80:8888
  1. Retrieve your Grafana credentials by running

For login

kubectl -n prometheus get secrets/grafana --template='{{.data.admin-user | base64decode}}'

For password

kubectl -n prometheus get secrets/grafana --template='{{.data.admin-password | base64decode}}'
  1. Then, you can connect to your Grafana interface on http://localhost:8888.
  2. Go to explore and select loki filter with the pod name or namespace.

I hope it helps :slight_smile: