Github Actions Qovery CLI Error when using qovery application deploy

Getting a random 400 Bad Request Error on GitHub Actions.


A snippet of our workflow file

      - name: Qovery Deploy
        run: |
          curl -s | bash
          qovery application deploy \
            --organization ${{ env.QOVERY_ORGANIZATION }} \
            --project ${{ env.QOVERY_PROJECT_NAME }} \
            --environment ${{ env.QOVERY_ENV }} \
            --application ${{ env.QOVERY_APPLICATION_NAME }} \
            --commit-id ${{ github.sha }}
        shell: bash

Hi @tawihealth ,

Can you please confirm that there is no space for your Organization, Project, Env, and Application names? Otherwise, you need to surround them with double quotes.

      - name: Qovery Deploy
        run: |
          curl -s | bash
          qovery application deploy \
            --organization "${{ env.QOVERY_ORGANIZATION }}" \
            --project "${{ env.QOVERY_PROJECT_NAME }}" \
            --environment "${{ env.QOVERY_ENV }}" \
            --application "${{ env.QOVERY_APPLICATION_NAME }}" \
            --commit-id ${{ github.sha }}
        shell: bash

Our Org name has a space. Do we need to rename it?

Surrounding everything with quotes work.

However the --watch flag does not work…

How do we wait till the deployment is complete?

And we now have this error

`❌ Container image [REDACTED] failed to be build: Cannot build Application "[REDACTED]" due to an error with docker: ExitStatusError { exit_status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(256)) }`

`💣 Deployment failed`

The last error has been traced down to auth failure on a private package registry. Fixed

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