GCP - Unable to clone an AWS environment to a GCP Cluster


I am unable to clone an environment from AWS (link below) to a GCP cluster. When I submit the clone form i get a 401 Unauthorized from the qovery api.

Is there any further setup I should do on the GCP Cluster before cloning ?

Link to environment: https://console.qovery.com/organization/04929480-0b99-4ee3-8c01-e5de2e83b712/project/a01d75b9-64d7-40b9-ae20-a0d12cc96fa4/environment/337b32e8-513c-4820-84f5-f4edad277877/services/general

Hello @polive106,

I’m Charles-Edouard, TAM @Qovery.

Your problem here is the managed DB.

We don’t support managed DB on GCP, so cloning your environment triggers an error.

One possible solution to solve your problem would be to create a new environment on a GCP cluster manually.
Then, you can clone your services one by one.

I hope this will be helpful.
