Hi, Since yesterday we have not been able to deploy our server.
We seem to be getting an issue with connecting to docker.io.
We currently are using the below setting for container registry which has been working fine for the last 2 years.
Error logs below:
🕵️ Checking if image already exists remotely australia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/rome-staging-397404/zaddbe3a4-https-github-com-my-muscle-chef-rome-git/built-by-qovery:13258497860719351149-551564f18bf80c4fadf40fd574d7dc6ee74a392b
5 26 Nov, 02:30:22.62 ⛏️ Building image. It does not exist remotely australia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/rome-staging-397404/zaddbe3a4-https-github-com-my-muscle-chef-rome-git/built-by-qovery:13258497860719351149-551564f18bf80c4fadf40fd574d7dc6ee74a392b
6 26 Nov, 02:30:22.62 🔓 Login to registry docker.io as user silentmoonwatcher%40ola.sh
7 26 Nov, 02:30:22.76 🔓 Retrying to login to registry due to error...
8 26 Nov, 02:30:23.89 🔓 Retrying to login to registry due to error...
9 26 Nov, 02:30:25.03 🔓 Retrying to login to registry due to error...
10 26 Nov, 02:30:27.17 🔓 Retrying to login to registry due to error...
11 26 Nov, 02:30:30.30 🔓 Retrying to login to registry due to error...
12 26 Nov, 02:30:30.30 ❌ Failed to login to registry docker.io due to Docker terminated with a non success exit status code: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(256))
13 26 Nov, 02:30:30.35 ❌ Container image australia-southeast1-docker.pkg.dev/rome-staging-397404/zaddbe3a4-https-github-com-my-muscle-chef-rome-git/built-by-qovery:3370081189072204364-551564f18bf80c4fadf40fd574d7dc6ee74a392b failed to be build: Look at the build logs to understand the error
14 26 Nov, 02:30:30.35 💣 Deployment aborted following a failure to deploy a service. This is a general/global message. Look at your services deployment status to know which one made the deployment fail
15 26 Nov, 02:30:30.35 Qovery Engine has terminated the deployment