Docker Entrypoint Script Logs


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  • Link to your application - Qovery


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Does Qovery have a way to view Entrypoint logs? I am deploying an App via a Docker Image and the deployment is failing. The Live Logs show runtime logs and I can see the error that caused the failure. I am sure that there is something wrong with the Entrypoint script but I need to figure out the exact cause.

I have already utilized qovery shell to run the entrypoint manually and was able to debug the issue.

Is there a more straightforward way to be able to get through such scenarios?

Hello @aedcparnie,

Usually when the entrypoint is wrong, the container cannot start at all. Looking into your service deployment logs failures, it seems that your application did start, but wasn’t able to run as it restarted: you can see lots of Crash loop, pod is restarting too frequently and Back-off restarting failed container in the deployment logs.

I think the entrypoint configuration can be tested locally, using --entrypoint command on a docker run