Deployment error on the frontend of my react app

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I am facing a problem to deploy the frontend part of my app. Apparently there are lots of warnings about my env variables, but I’m not sure it is linked to the error at the end of the deployment log.
Could you help me with that ?


Hello @Dan_Dray ,

The warnings should not be a blocker in the build process.

I checked your application logs and I found this error:

96.66 error marked@13.0.3: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">= 18". Got "16.20.2"
96.68 error Found incompatible module.

Can this be the problem you are facing?

Please let me know if you need more help on this topic.


Hello @ce_gagnaire ,

Thank you for this information. Do you know where I can get more details about the node module which causes this ? Or give it to me if you can access to it on your side ?
It would be helpful for us to resolve the issue.


@Dan_Dray I don’t have access to more logs than you.

I checked your application logs here:

The error is on lines 90/91/93, and again on lines 100/101 and 112.

The error says: marked@13.0.3.
I think the package name is: marked and the version is 13.0.3.
I think it’s this package: GitHub - markedjs/marked: A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.

Please let me know if this is helpful.


Hi @ce_gagnaire,

Thank you, we’ve analysed it and we think it might be because of the node version that has to be updated.
Do you know how we could update it on the server side ? It is not linked to our package.json.


@ce_gagnaire, would you have an advice on this ?

We are on Rails and seeing the same errors… I’m wondering if it’s related to:

- LegacyKeyValueFormat: "ENV key=value" should be used instead of legacy "ENV key value" format (line 1)

Perhaps something got updated internally? @ce_gagnaire

When I output my DATABASE_URL it’s no longer set, but this should be set from the Qovery Variable system…

@ce_gagnaire did you guys change anything about how these values are loaded?

Seems similar to this issue:

Hello @ce_gagnaire,

Could I have an answer for this ticket ? It still blocks us for deploying our app in the production environment.
We would like to know how we can update the node version on the server side, have you an insight for this ?

Thank you,

Hello @Dan_Dray,

I can’t really give you a solution on this topic, it’s not related to Qovery.

My guess is you need to update your Dockerfile and try using a more up to date version of the node image.

At the top of your Dockerfile you should have something like:

From node:16.20.2

Try to find the new node version you want to use, At least 18 regarding the error message, then you can modify it and try building your image again.

Check Node’s changelog to validate if you have some deprecation warning you should take care of.

Here is a blogpost on how to use Node with the official Docker image: How to Use the Node Docker Official Image | Docker

I hope this was helpful

@kincorvia Are you sure your error is related to this one?

The error here was related to the nodeJS version.

Can you open a dedicated thread please?


Hello @ce_gagnaire ,

After having changed our package manager in the frontend side (moved from yarn to npm) it works well. Compatibility problem between this one and the package apparently.


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