Deployment aborted following a failure to deploy a service

Hi everyone, I’m just trying to deploy as usual but since a couple of hours I’m experiencing this error without any other information provided:

Deployment aborted following a failure to deploy a service. This is a general/global message. Look at your services deployment status to know which one made the deployment fail

Hey @Nextools,

There is indeed a regression on our GCP integration front. We will provide a fix ASAP, I will keep your posted here.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Benjamin, thank you for confirming. Please fix it as soon as possible, we are blocked from 6 hours :frowning:

It should be fixed @Nextools
Let me know if it is not the case

Unfortunately not :frowning: still not deploying

It looks ok to me

Are you refering to another environment ?

I was just to write that the problem seems fixed, however still appear sometimes. Check project “Lumina” → “Storybook”, the before last deployment. So randomly appears, I will monitor and keep you posted.

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