Decommissioning "QOVERY_DEPLOYMENT_ID" built_in environment variable


we have decided to decommission the BUILT_IN environment variable QOVERY_DEPLOYMENT_ID:

  • it won’t be created anymore for any new service
  • it will be removed from any existing service

When this change will happen

On Monday the 27th of January (a week from now)

What should I do if I use this variable?

As far as we know, no one of our customers is using this variable.

If you are using it, please contact us since we might have a solution to propose you.

Why this change?

The deployment id variable changes at every deployment and thus it forces to re-create the pods of your applications even if nothing has changed.
It’s a side effect that we want to remove.

It will also accelerate deployments as there will be no unnecessary application restarts.

The environment variable has been removed