Container RabbitMQ

I uploaded a container with the rabbitMQ image, but I can’t access it externally with the generated information. The Service is up but with the information I can’t access the rabbit application, can you help me?

Hi @Claudinei_de_Jesus_R ,

Can you explain why you need to expose your RabbitMQ instance publicly? Do you confirm that you want to expose their AMQP protocol?


Hi @rophilogene,

I need access to the Rabbitmq console after uploading my application that connects to Rabbitmq.

Any news on the case above?
I can’t even connect my application to this RabbitMq container.

We created a RabbitMq service instance from its docker image and made its port 5672 public. But we are not able to connect to the RabbitMq instance from outside. We need access to create a user and a vhost. Is there a way out?

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