Can't connect to Rabbitmq (container)

I encounter some issue trying to connect to RabbitMQ hosted on Qovery.

Our app Dockerfile is a one line configuration: FROM rabbitmq:3.9.8-alpine

The port exposed is configured as [1] and the external url I use in my backend is 'amqps://'

What did I miss here ? :slight_smile:


can you share the link of your app on Qovery ?

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Hello Enzo,

Yes sure, rabbitmq app

@Enzo Is it related to port mapping ? I tried to expose 5672 with internal 5672 an other than http but it doesn’t seem to be allowed

You can’t expose TCP ports publicly at the moment.

You can only open it from your app in order to let other ones using it inside your cluster.

Any ETA on this - I mean exposing TCP ports publicly?

This is already possible. The feature has been released a few months ago and you can now expose TCP and UDP ports: Application | Docs | Qovery

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