Can't create new EKS cluster because it "already exists" (ResourceInUseException)

Trying to create a new EKS cluster I am seeing:

Create - Infrastructure 'prod-us-east-1 (z6b8d9xxx)' deployment is in progress...

Create - Ensuring no failed nodegroups are present in the cluster, or delete them if at least one active nodegroup is present

Create - aws.kubernetes.on_create_error called for prod-us-east-1

Create - Infrastructure 'prod-us-east-1 (z6b8d9xxx)' deployment is in progress...

Create - Infrastructure 'prod-us-east-1 (z6b8d9xxx)' deployment is in progress...

Create - Infrastructure 'prod-us-east-1 (z6b8d9xxx)' deployment is in progress...

CreateError - Error, resource type `EKS Cluster` with name `z6b8d9xxx` already exists.

Terminated - Qovery Engine has terminated the infrastructure deployment

Transmitter: prod-us-east-1 - Error, resource type `EKS Cluster` with name `qovery-z6b8d9xxx` already exists.

Error: creating EKS Cluster (qovery-z6b8d9xxx): ResourceInUseException: Cluster already exists with name: qovery-z6b8d9xxx
  RespMetadata: {
    StatusCode: 409,
    RequestID: "ee5af314-b285-40c0-9ed0-eb95a72a260b"
  ClusterName: "qovery-z6b8d9xxx",
  Message_: "Cluster already exists with name: qovery-z6b8d9xxx"

  with aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster,
  on line 36, in resource "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster":
  36: resource "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster" {

So AWS can’t create qovery-z6b8d9xxx because it already exists?

I’ve tried creating 3 different clusters, keep getting the same error.

May have been a temporary issue on the AWS or Qovery side, was able to create a new cluster today.

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