Cannot fetch Scaleway CR

Relevant information to this issue:


I’m trying to use a private Scaleway container registry, ci-builds, created in the same project I use for Qovery. The registry region is PAR, so the endpoint is
I used an nginx image for my test, with a $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG from GitLab as tag.

# Dockerfile
FROM nginx

I push images built in gitlab-ci to this registry.
With docker push command I have no problems, the registry works perfectly fine, I can pull this image from the registry and run it locally.

But I’m not able to deploy an application from this container registry in Qovery UI.

The error is the same as in this thread but creating a new registry didn’t solve the issue. Regardless of configuration I always have the same error :

I think something is wrong in my registry configuration or in the application configuration.
I wasn’t able to find an example in the documentation for Scaleway CR.

I have serious doubts about some values:

  • in the registry configuration, the region value : I started with PAR, the value I saw in Scaleway registry page, then I tried par-fr, the value I found in the Scaleway API doc.
  • in the application configuration I’m not sure about image name, I tried ci-builds/nginx and but nothing works


  1. create a Scaleway CR registry with:
  • URL :<scaleway_registry_namespace> (https:// + registry endpoint from Scaleway)
  • region : fr-par (or PAR ?)
  • access key : xxx
  • secret key : xxx
  1. create application from this registry:
  • image name :<scaleway_registry_namespace>/<image_name> (or only <scaleway_registry_namespace>/<image_name> ?)
  • tag : tag available in registry

Hello @Mathieu_Haage,

Can you confirm you have the following setup?

  1. Scaleway container registry set in your orga

  2. Your container settings has something like this?

So your registry URL should be and container image should be <scaleway_registry_namespace>/<image_name>

Let me know if it works :slight_smile:


I tried to edit my container registry config but it didn’t work.
Then I deleted the old registry, registered a new container registry with the values from your answer and it worked ! :tada:

My URL was wrong, I used https://<registry_endpoint>, endpoint found in Scaleway registry settings.
The registry endpoint value is<scaleway_registry_namespace>.
Removing the <scaleway_registry_namespace> from the <registry_endpoint> fixed the problem, so the working URL is simply :

I was missing the region parameter format from your answer, it worked with fr-par for the region PAR in the Scaleway registry account. So now I know that the value needed can be found from the Scaleway API (Scaleway API doc).

Thank you again for your precious help !

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Hey @Mathieu_Haage,

Just curious about why updating didn’t work, did you fill all fields via the UI, did you get an error message?


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