Cannot deploy graphql app

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Your issue

I have made an graphql api and tried deploying but always get this error:

deployment error application lireddit : error => EngineError { cause: User(“Your application has failed to start. Ensure you can run it without issues with qovery run and check its logs from the web interface or the CLI with qovery log. This issue often occurs due to ports misconfiguration. Make sure you exposed the correct port (using EXPOSE statement in Dockerfile or via Qovery configuration).”), scope: Application(“zb2e08560”, “lireddit”), execution_id: “ae9b1ac7-f1a8-4015-8602-edbed8900bec-17-1628229020”, message: Some(“Application lireddit (zb2e08560) has failed to start ⤬”) }

Dockerfile content (if any):

# Create app directory

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Install app dependencies

# A wildcard is used to ensure both package.json AND package-lock.json are copied

# where available (npm@5+)

COPY package.json ./

COPY yarn.lock ./

RUN yarn

COPY . .

RUN yarn build

ENV NODE_ENV production


CMD [ "node", "dist/index.js" ]

USER node

I have exposed the ports correctly and my application has no error logs.
The qovery run command isnt found…
Please help me out

Additional logs:
Execution ID: ae9b1ac7-f1a8-4015-8602-edbed8900bec-17-1628229020

Unable to retrieve logs for pod: app=app-lireddit Condition not met to start the container: Ready → ContainersNotReady: containers with unready status: [app-lireddit] Condition not met to start the container: ContainersReady → ContainersNotReady: containers with unready status: [app-lireddit] Condition not met to start the container: Ready → ContainersNotReady: containers with unready status: [app-lireddit] Condition not met to start the container: ContainersReady → ContainersNotReady: containers with unready status: [app-lireddit] Condition not met to start the container: Ready → ContainersNotReady: containers with unready status: [app-lireddit] Condition not met to start the container: ContainersReady → ContainersNotReady: containers with unready status: [app-lireddit] 2021-08-06T05:16:02Z Warning BackOff: Back-off restarting failed container 2021-08-06T05:46:26Z Warning Unhealthy: Liveness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused 2021-08-06T05:31:37Z Warning Unhealthy: Readiness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused 2021-08-06T05:12:10Z Warning BackOff: Back-off restarting failed container 2021-08-06T05:42:40Z Warning Unhealthy: Readiness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused 2021-08-06T05:32:57Z Warning Unhealthy: Liveness probe failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused 2021-08-06T05:47:44Z Warning BackOff: Back-off restarting failed container

did you try to run the docker image locally ?

I’ll try and get back

i am not able to run docker on my machine so i dont know wt do

Sorry it took time for me to get docker running locally
I have the same issue in dev environment also.
If i run normally it works but with docker the logs appear correctly but the server doesnt start, wt could be the solution?

Edit :

If i run docker with the command : docker run -p 4000:4000 50249e62d658
It completely works, So is there a way to do this on qovery

Did you add port 4000 in your app settings?

Yes i had done it long ago, but still no success :sob:

Any application logs? In your Application → Show Logs


Now its showing this:
Couldn't fetch logs for app. Is it running?

Although when I deployed it showed started api on ...

Could you send me a link to your app? Can be in DM