Black box / Functional testing with Qovery


Id like to add some black box (functional) testing to our services and looking for ideas of how people have done it before please.

To clarify my definition of a service is something like an AWS deployment of an 2 s3 buckets and a lambda. with an event bridge rule that when a file is added to s3 bucket one the lambda runs does something and puts it on the 2nd bucket.

My definition of black box testing. is automating a manual process. where i upload a file to s3 bucket, and check the lambda ran, check it completed successfully. check the output file exists, and may check the file is in the correct format.

The only way i can currently think to do it, is by using a orchestrator like airflow / argo workflow and make it go for the steps i do manually and then have some logic at the end to check logs of the lambda / s3, maybe run a panda against the file etc. Using qovery i can deploy the AWS resources easily, and could add a step to call the orchestrator.

Any experience? or diff ways anyone here tests there infra deployments?

Hello @Stephen_Bennett ,

Thanks for opening a thread on your concern.
I will loop with the team to see if we have any feedback on this topic.


Hello @Stephen_Bennett,

I talked with our team and they had some recommendations:

  • You can check what Amplify is doing with AWS, this can give you clues on a workflow. The link is here
  • You can also use Github Actions to create a workflow. You can trigger it using Cron or events. With it, Github can produce a report on your tests.
  • I can’t recommend you one tool. It will depend on your setup, your language and how you want to do it. This is an example for Python using Pytest: Building and testing Python - GitHub Docs

I hope this will be helpful.
