Access Redis from EKS

@Melvin_Zottola would you be able to share how you connect to your instance ? Is it in NodeJS by any chance ?

I can’t figure it out and have tried everything I could: it just doesn’t work. Furthermore, I can’t connect to a Qovery Redis database neither so I start wondering if the issue wouldn’t come from the combination of Qovery and the NodeJS “ioredis” package.

It’s not related to .env variable since they are validated in runtime (using zod) and I can see that the application receives exactly the same connection parameters as in local.

If I try a minimal example by creating a sample application with just the following lines, I get the error “ENOTFOUND” although the host provided in the error message is correct.

import { Redis } from "ioredis";

const redis = new Redis(process.env.QOVERY_REDIS_ZXXX_DATABASE_URL, { });

Finally, could it be related to this discussion: Managed Redis env vars use non-SSL protocol ?