What’s your position about Scaleway/Europeans providers?

What’s your position about Scaleway/Europeans providers ?

I guess that most of your customers would use Big3, but there is a growing number of companies that want to use European providers, and I fear that at some point you will just drop those. I can see that your actual focus is on AWS and a lot of features are not available with Scaleway (db managed etc…)


Hi @Aubin ,

Thank you for asking. Most of our users are indeed using US cloud service providers. Besides credits, they are multiple reasons for that - like features, security, and compliance.

At Qovery, our goal is to respond to the need of our customers. And we see more and more companies concerned by the sovereignty of their data and infrastructure. We plan to invest even more in Cloud Service Providers like Scaleway in Europe.

We collaborate extensively with the Scaleway team to report improvements that could be made to their infrastructure and services to sustain the need of our customers and make their infrastructure reliable. In the coming updates of Qovery, you will be able to provide any service managed by Scaleway. How? I encourage you to look at this announcement.

In a nutshell, Qovery will support deploying Terraform modules and what we call “Job”. So any type of Scaleway resources supported by their terraform provider will be usable with Qovery :fire:.

I hope it helps.

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