Unable to import complete env variable file


I’m trying to import an env file, which contains 30+ fields however only 2 get imported correctly and when I do try to import them manually 1 after the other, it works.
I understand this is a new feature, released a few months back, but are there any limitation that we should be aware of before trying to import.

I have gone through the documentation and understand certain formatting and alignment needs to be managed, however individual env var can be added, where as the same env vars in a .env file are not.

New Variables → Import Variable → Drag & Drop env file → Change scopes → Save

Hi @Sushant_Adhikari ,

Sorry for the inconvenience. Do you know which key value strings makes this bug?

Before we can fix it, you can use the Qovery CLI to import your environment variables and secrets.

Hello, thank you for the response, I did end up using the CLI and it worked for most of it. So not exactly sure which key value had the issue since only 2 were imported from a list of 30+ in the UI.