Terraform Pipeline creates defaults

Hi deploying a environment and pipeline in terraform im getting the attached pic:

from this code:

resource "qovery_deployment" "deployment" {
  depends_on = [
  environment_id = qovery_environment.entity-store.id
  desired_state  = "STOPPED"

resource "qovery_deployment_stage" "terraform" {
  environment_id = qovery_environment.entity-store.id
  name           = "Terraform"
  description    = "Deploys Terraform resources for entity store"

resource "qovery_deployment_stage" "helm" {
  environment_id = qovery_environment.entity-store.id
  name           = "Helm"
  description    = "Deploys Helm chart reousrces for entity store"
  is_after       = qovery_deployment_stage.terraform.id

raised as a possible bug?

Hello @Stephen_Bennett,

Those empty deployment stages are the one created automatically on Qovery side: by default every service created goes to one of those stages according to their type (application / container / …), it won’t have any impact on your deployments.