Stop environment option and costs

Does Stop the environment option, avoid cost on aws side.

If i stop my defined environment, i will be not charge for AWS resources anymore ?

Additionnaly, can i restrict the EKS api endpoints to avoid public access or qovery need it ?

Thanks in advance

Hi @Antse , I respond inline

Short answer:
you will save small costs, not so much depending on your environment size.

Long answer:
When stopping your environment this is what is shutdown:

  • Your apps
  • Your databases

This is what remains:

  • Your cluster (but will be scaled down due to services shutdown)
  • Your load balancers
  • Your storage

If your environment runs with 10 applications, then yes, stopping your environment will reduce your compute costs. If your environment runs 1 application. The cost reduction is more likely marginal.

At the moment, Qovery needs to have access to your EKS public endpoint. However, we strive to make our users’ infrastructure safe and as secure as possible. We are working to make EKS no longer publicly accessible.

Side note: We are working on Qovery V3 which will help to visualize your associated costs per cluster and per environment. We plan to soft-launch Qovery V3 soon. I can put you in the loop if you are interested.

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