[SOLVED] Mirroring Image from ECR fails in production



Cannot deploy image from ECR to my production cluster

I have an Development AWS account with an ECR registry, and a Qovery Dev cluster. I can deploy services, it works great :+1:

Now I have another Production AWS account, with a Qovery Production cluster. I am trying to deploy on this cluster some images that are hosted on my Development AWS accountโ€™s ECR.

Currently it fails with this message :

๐Ÿ”“ Login to registry 221054443677.dkr.ecr.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com as user AWS
๐Ÿชž Mirroring image to private cluster registry to ensure reproducibility
๐Ÿชž Retrying Mirroring image due to error...
๐Ÿชž Retrying Mirroring image due to error...
๐Ÿชž Retrying Mirroring image due to error...
๐Ÿชž Retrying Mirroring image due to error...

I have tried to configure cross-account access to ECR for the qovery user in my production AWS account, using this doc : Allow secondary accounts to push or pull images in Amazon ECR image repositories | AWS re:Post
But it does not seem to work.

What is the best way to make my deployment work ?


Describe step by step how to reproduce the issue


I solved my issue by setting-up ECR replication between my dev and prod accounts

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