Passing arguments to docker run

Hi, I would like to know how to pass arguments to docker run with Qovery ?

I would like to pass :

  • –device
  • –cap-add

Thanks a lot

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Hi @Orkin , can you please explain what you need to achieve?

Hi @rophilogene, I would like to run the container with same parameters as I can to with that :
docker run -it --env-file .env --device /dev/fuse --cap-add SYS_ADMIN test.

For env this is not a real problem because I can use env variable but I don’t know how to pass :
--device and --cap-add


We discussed it this morning and to be able to mount devices from the host inside the container require to disable security feature.

At the moment, we don’t want to allow that, because it means any Qovery application would be able to mess with the host machine and leaving it in an improper state (and breaking other applications from a different environment/people).

We may want to support this in the future, but we will more certainly leaning toward GitHub - bluebeach/k8s-hostdev-plugin to put more safeguard in place. But for the moment it is not at all in our roadmap to include this.

BTW, can you describe your use case for wanting to mount fuse inside your container ?

Hi @Erebe , thanks for your feedback I would like to use a docker container to mount ftp server on top of aws s3. Actually I’m using aws transfer family that is really expensive for our usecase so I’m looking an other way to do that and I can do it with a docker container that use s3fs-fuse.

Maybe you have an other idea to handle that use case ?

Hi @Orkin ,

Your usage is particular and if you want to do so, I advise you to deploy it on the Kubernetes cluster directly without using Qovery console. You won’t be limited at all.

My 2 cents: I don’t know your usage but s3fs-fuse is generally not a great idea. I would recommend you to look at an alternative solution like SFTP on S3. It’s native on AWS New Service: AWS Transfer for SFTP, a fully managed SFTP service for Amazon S3, simplifying a lot of what you want to do and reducing potential issues.


Hi @Pierre_Mavro thanks for your feedback. I already used it right now but it’s really expensive for our usecase. I will think about it again thanks a lot !

@Orkin Have a look at SFTPGo: GitHub - drakkan/sftpgo: Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV support - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob


Hi, thanks @ramnes I think it’s fit my needs perfectly !!!

@Pierre_Mavro @Erebe I have an other problem, this application expose multiples services, for example one on port 8080 for adminstration UI and 2022 for sftp. And it’s not possible to allow other port than 443 so I can expose only one of them and can’t expose port 22.

How can I handle it ? I think I can handle it with helm chart but don’t know how to expose it with qovery dns ?

Thanks a lot

Unfortunately, it’s not yet possible with Qovery in the network section. You must create a dedicated load balancer (Kubernetes service with AWS annotations) and point it to your app. So you’ll be able to choose which ports you want to open. Here is an AWS example.

NOTE: it will bring you an extra cost per month ~30$ + traffic

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