Lifecycle Job - Terraform Dockerfile fails to download for lifecycle job


Trying to build a docker image for a lifecycle job. The terraform includes several private github modules (as sub modules) and well as public sub modules.

the dockerfile currently looks like this:

FROM hashicorp/terraform:1.3.6

ARG TF_VAR_aws_region
ARG TF_VAR_aws_access_key_id
ARG TF_VAR_aws_secret_access_key
ARG TF_VAR_qovery_environment_id

ENV AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$TF_VAR_aws_access_key_id
ENV AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$TF_VAR_aws_secret_access_key

# update software and install aws-cli / curl
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add aws-cli && apk add curl

## install kubectl
RUN curl -LO$(curl -s && chmod +x ./kubectl && mv ./kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl

# set up kubeconfig for idp cluster
RUN aws eks --region eu-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name oc-idp-cluster

# update git to download private repos 
RUN git config --global url."https://${GH_TOKEN}".insteadOf ""

## add terraform module and qovery workspace
ADD . .

# move to qovery folder to run terraform init
WORKDIR /qovery
RUN terraform init

ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/sh"]

#checkov:skip=CKV_DOCKER_2: "Ensure that HEALTHCHECK instructions have been added to container images"
#checkov:skip=CKV_DOCKER_3: "Ensure that a user for the container has been created"
#checkov:skip=CKV_DOCKER_4: "Ensure that COPY is used instead of ADD in Dockerfiles"

If i comment out the RUN terraform init and do a local build i can successfully run a terraform init.

but for some reason having it as a command in docker is causing it to generate the error:

=> ERROR [8/9] RUN terraform init                                                                                                                                              2.5s
 > [8/9] RUN terraform init:
0.505 Initializing modules...
0.521 - ess-api in ../module
0.522 Downloading git:: for ess-api.aurora-postgres...
1.961 - ess-api.aurora-postgres in .terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres
2.024 Downloading 8.5.0 for ess-api.aurora-postgres.aurora...
2.162 Downloading 6.5.0 for ess-api.aurora-postgres.lambda-aurora-config...
2.296 Downloading 5.32.1 for ess-api.iam_assumable_role_admin...
2.416 ╷
2.416 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.416 │ 
2.416 │ Could not download module "aurora"
2.416 │ (.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres/ source code from
2.416 │ "git::":
2.416 │ error downloading
2.416 │ '':
2.416 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.416 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres.aurora'...
2.416 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.416 │ existing mapping
2.416 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.416 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.416 │ .
2.416 ╵
2.416 ╷
2.416 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.416 │ 
2.416 │ Could not download module "lambda-aurora-config"
2.416 │ (.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres/
2.416 │ source code from
2.416 │ "git::":
2.416 │ error downloading
2.416 │ '':
2.416 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.416 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres.lambda-aurora-config'...
2.416 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.416 │ existing mapping
2.416 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.416 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.416 │ .
2.416 ╵
2.416 ╷
2.416 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.416 │ 
2.416 │ Could not download module "iam_assumable_role_admin"
2.416 │ (../module/ source code from
2.416 │ "git::":
2.416 │ error downloading
2.416 │ '':
2.416 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.416 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.iam_assumable_role_admin'...
2.416 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.416 │ existing mapping
2.416 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.416 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.416 │ .
2.416 ╵
2.416 ╷
2.416 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.416 │ 
2.416 │ Could not download module "aurora"
2.416 │ (.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres/ source code from
2.416 │ "git::":
2.416 │ error downloading
2.416 │ '':
2.416 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.416 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres.aurora'...
2.416 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.416 │ existing mapping
2.416 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.416 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.416 │ .
2.416 ╵
2.416 ╷
2.416 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.416 │ 
2.416 │ Could not download module "aurora"
2.416 │ (.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres/ source code from
2.416 │ "git::":
2.416 │ error downloading
2.416 │ '':
2.416 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.416 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres.aurora'...
2.416 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.416 │ existing mapping
2.416 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.416 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.416 │ .
2.416 ╵
2.416 ╷
2.416 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.416 │ 
2.416 │ Could not download module "lambda-aurora-config"
2.416 │ (.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres/
2.416 │ source code from
2.416 │ "git::":
2.416 │ error downloading
2.416 │ '':
2.416 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.416 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres.lambda-aurora-config'...
2.416 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.416 │ existing mapping
2.416 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.416 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.416 │ .
2.416 ╵
2.416 ╷
2.416 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.416 │ 
2.416 │ Could not download module "aurora"
2.416 │ (.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres/ source code from
2.416 │ "git::":
2.416 │ error downloading
2.416 │ '':
2.416 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.416 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres.aurora'...
2.416 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.416 │ existing mapping
2.416 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.416 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.416 │ .
2.416 ╵
2.417 ╷
2.417 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.417 │ 
2.417 │ Could not download module "lambda-aurora-config"
2.417 │ (.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres/
2.417 │ source code from
2.417 │ "git::":
2.417 │ error downloading
2.417 │ '':
2.417 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.417 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.aurora-postgres.lambda-aurora-config'...
2.417 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.417 │ existing mapping
2.417 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.417 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.417 │ .
2.417 ╵
2.417 ╷
2.417 │ Error: Failed to download module
2.417 │ 
2.417 │ Could not download module "iam_assumable_role_admin"
2.417 │ (../module/ source code from
2.417 │ "git::":
2.417 │ error downloading
2.417 │ '':
2.417 │ /usr/bin/git exited with 128: Cloning into
2.417 │ '.terraform/modules/ess-api.iam_assumable_role_admin'...
2.417 │ assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate
2.417 │ existing mapping
2.417 │ (ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
2.417 │ error: git-remote-https died of signal 5
2.417 │ .
2.417 ╵
  29 |     # move to qovery folder to run terraform init
  30 |     WORKDIR /qovery
  31 | >>> RUN terraform init
  32 |     
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c terraform init" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

View build details: docker-desktop://dashboard/build/desktop-linux/desktop-linux/9a2gmr0y2lwb9itdhx5qt1gtq

Any ideas if

Updating the terraform image has some how removed the issue!

update it to

FROM hashicorp/terraform:1.7.4

and it works except for it now errors on the

# set up kubeconfig for idp cluster
RUN aws eks --region eu-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name oc-idp-cluster

The image builds on my local machine but when running in qovery errors with:

  19 |     
  20 |     # set up kubeconfig for idp cluster
  21 | >>> RUN aws eks --region eu-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name oc-idp-cluster
  22 |     
  23 |     # update git to download private repos
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c aws eks --region eu-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name oc-idp-cluster" did not complete successfully: exit code: 254
❌ Container image failed to be build: Look at the build logs to understand the error
💣 Deployment aborted following a failure to deploy a service. This is a general/global message. Look at your services deployment status to know which one made the deployment fail

Didnt have the variables in qovery!

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