Is it safe to do a cluster update to increase max nodes for autoscaling turn production mode on within business hours?

Hello :wave:
Is it safe to do a AWS cluster update to increase max nodes for autoscaling and turn production mode on within business hours? Or should it be down outside of business hours? (i.e. should we expect downtime for this sort of cluster update?).

HI @will ,

If you just upgrade the number of nodes of your cluster with the same instance type, then you can safely do it during working hours :innocent:

Now, if you change the instance type, I would recommend waiting to be off of business hours. The reason? It’s because all the nodes where your apps are running will be changed. And a slight downtime can occur on your apps. One solution if you consider changing the instance type during business hours would be to set a minimum of 2 instances of your applications. (cf screenshot)

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Thank you @rophilogene, good to know that is good to know :slight_smile: :+1:
Is there any deployment risk associated with switching on “Production cluster” and then updating the cluster? Or is that also safe to do in working hours like updating number of nodes?

There is no risk. You can do it :slight_smile:

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Woo hoo! Thank you @rophilogene ! :raised_hands:

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