Qovery Cluster Agent wants LOKI_URL in environment variables. The documentation says:
If missing: You’ll have live logs, but you will miss log history for debugging purpose
We have a custom Loki deployment in our cluster so we have a log history for debugging. What extra features we will get if we hook up our Loki instance to Cluster Agent? Qovery doesn’t have any long term log filtering in UI and the live logs are working without it. What exactly is missing without Loki configuration?
As you mentioned in your first post, the log history is the main difference.
The feature you are missing is the long-term logs. If you don’t need them or are already viewing them in your console you can keep your deployment as it is.
If you want more history in the Qovery console, you must integrate your Loki with the Agent.
I’d like to understand what exactly we will be missing in Qovery console. It seems we can still pull additional history by clicking “Load previous logs”. I don’t see any missing logging capabilities, what am I missing? When exactly Qovery pulls from Loki?