Can't deploy Postgres DB


I’m getting this error when trying to deploy my postgres DB

Unknown error while performing Terraform command (`terraform init -no-color`), here is the error:

Error: Failed to get existing workspaces: Get "http://localhost/api/v1/namespaces/z53101355-z73f22144/secrets?labelSelector=tfstate%3Dtrue": dial tcp connect: connection refused

Environment ID: 73f22144-30ba-4693-8712-99cfafe66d8e
Database ID: a7da916f-6435-4034-becc-04f9ac67f70c

Hey @oleh_m

I am having a look into it and come to you ASAP.

Hey @oleh_m,

Seems your cluster is full, and nodes are crashing. I see you have a max 10 nodes at the moment, can I increase it a bit to 12 / 15 to give your cluster some fresh air?


Hey ! Seems we have a bug on our end, please follow this thread, I will post update on it => RDS Postgres fails to deploy with error: Failed to get existing workspaces... (connection refused)

Update: Path has been deployed, you should be able to redeploy your Managed DB.

Sorry for the convenience

@bchastanier it works, thank you!

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