Cannot stop app before deleting environment


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I cannot stop the application before deleting the environment (see screenshot below for the deployment logs error)


  1. Select “Stop” in the app menu
  2. The stopping raises an error in the deployment logs

Hello @polive106,

Looking at your screenshot, it seems your container faced an OOM kill and crashed.
Would you mind increasing this app memory limit, deploy it and then try to stop your app?


Hello @bchastanier,
Thanks for the quick answer. I increased the app memory to the max possible and unfortunately I was unable to deploy the app, and therefore unable to stop it.

I also stopped all other apps / envs relying on the cluster to free some resources but still the deployment fails. Maybe I should change its settings ?


Hey !

Having a closer look it seems a job with the same name was hanging completed, not sure why.
Removing it allowed your service to be paused properly.

Please let me know if you observe such behavior in the future.


Worked perfectly ! Thanks a lot :wink:

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