AWS VPC connection in 2 way

Hello :wave:

Could we access a Qovery database container service private from AWS like lambdas? We have already a vpc peering enabled between Qovery and AWS for connecting services to a RDS.


Hi @Mike :wave: ,

This is a good question - technically speaking, if your lambda get access to the EKS VPC (I assume you’re on AWS EKS), then it’s technically possible. The only thing to check is the Database internal domain resolution.

Out of curiosity, what’s the use case?

Hello @rophilogene :wave:

What do you mean exactly by?

The only thing to check is the Database internal domain resolution.

I have already enabled DNS resolution between VPC. But my tries fail when I attempt to connect to database container from a Lambda.

My use case come from the heavy use of lambdas. I would like to keep private databases as container on develop environment but to achieve it I need to communicate from my lambdas to my database containers.

Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect. :grin: