App unable to connect to qovery managed mongo db

PrismaClientInitializationError: Database error. error code: unknown, error message: Server selection timeout: No available servers. Topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [ { Address:, Type: Unknown, Error: timed out }, ] }

It was able to connect earlier when we were using container mongo db and creating an alias env for internal url as DATABASE_URL in the app.
but prisma required mongo db to run as a replicata set as it needed to do transactions, so we had to switch to managed mongo db. once we did that and changed alias env it is unable to connect.

Hey @VanxhBitpack,

Unfortunately, this is a “by design” issue as AWS restricts direct access from the outside world to their managed Redis and Mongo DBs.
Qs I understand, you were using containered Mongo before doing the switch, and it works, but it won’t on managed ones.


The app is on qovery only

Yes, but the DB is a managed by AWS DB and you are trying to connect to it via an external tool, I am right?

No on an app on qovery only

From what I can see, your MongoDB is managed by AWS


Can you please confirm you did this action to access your DB ? MongoDB | Docs | Qovery

Also, can you please give me your application (trying to reach DB) console URL so I can have a closer look?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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